MIR 15 TERRA DEVELOPMENT We think about the future SolarMirror SOLAR POWER MIR15 TERRA A SOLARTHERMIC POWER PLANT MIR15 TERRA is just like MIR11 TERRA, it is a solar thermal power plant.The energy that is concentrated is enormous.through the new solar control P6, there is an optimal energy output.The absorber, which is installed in the focus of the concentrator,makes a heat wave over 1000 ° C.PARAMETERSThe size of the concentrator is 15 m2.Focus Dimension is 15 cm.Heated value of the systems: 9.8 KW (thermal).Energy data: Independent calculation9.8 KW, at Day 9.8 * 10H = 98KW / Day9.8KW * 1800H Sunlight hours 17 640KW / a17 640KW / a * 0.08 € = 1 411 € / a Energy output OUR KNOWLEDGE 15 years of our vast experience are behind every project YOUR SECURITY Because we always offer the best, cheapest and safest environmentally friendly solution RELIABLE QUALITY The main characteristics of our work - responsibility and efficiency - provide our customers with reliable quality We offer a comprehensive range of products and system solutions Experience and tradition We successfully combine your needs and our knowledge. Many years of experience are behind each of our projects. Expertise - Security – Reliability Contact