DE-79117 Freiburg,
Schwarzwaldstr. 70
We are thinking about the future
Why is the construction of a solar system of enormous significance?
Because environmental conditions like wind, snow, temperature variations, etc. permanently affect the system, and because the actual usage of the system mainly depends on this influences.
TESLA 7 is new solar system, solar thermal collector.
The function of this system is based on a process of concentration of solar heat. Two axle driven mirror satellite dish focuses the sun rays, the sun’s energy is concentrated directly to the absorber (solar receiver).
Absorber is installed at the focal point of the parabol mirror, heat carrier medium in it can be heated up to over 600°C (measured value is 640°C ).
The solar system is long lasting, weather and storm resistant.
The solar system is using the solar energy optimaly, so that a degree of overall operations to 70%. Comparison: solar cells now achieve 8-13%, solar collectors 30-50%.
Size of systems concentrator is 7,4 m2 and has a heating value of ca. 4,2 KW. This is the heating power which, in summer and in winter, heats the water to more than 60°C, witch is enough for heating an area of about 40 m2. Value obtained on 12.19.2010 at 11:00 h:
The air temperature: 0,0°C,
Amount of water in the receiver: 15L,
The water temperature in the receiver climbed from 81°C to 105°C in aperiod of 6 min. i 43 sec.
What this system provides is:
– Optimal physical process,
– High technical practicality and outstanding environmental benefit,
– Easy and quick installation.
- Behind each project is 15 years of our great experience
- Because we always offer the best, cheapest and safest environmentally friendly solution
- The main characteristics of our work - responsibility and efficiency - provide our customers with reliable quality
Monitoring is controlled by a microprocessor.
The solar track is controlled by microprocessors that respond to the slightest deviation. This ensures 100% vertical irradiation of the absorption surface and thus the best possible utilization of solar energy.
The solar guidance system has an azimuth angle (horizontal angle) of 200 ° and an elevation angle (vertical angle) of up to 80 °. This allows the solar system to adapt optimally to different sun positions and seasons.
We offer a comprehensive range of products and system solutions
Experience and tradition
We successfully combine your needs and our knowledge. Behind each of our projects is many years of experience.